Back in the Classroom

After working for five years as a district-level technology facilitator, I am now returning to the classroom. It's my goal to make my 5th grade class a model for how technology can be powerfully integrated into instruction and learning. Join my students and me on the journey! It's sure to be bumpy, but exciting...

Location: Schaumburg, Illinois, United States

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Call for Help to the Blogosphere

On Monday, November 13th I'm making a presentation to my district's Software Review Committee in defense of blogging technology. Currently all blog sites, including those specifically created for the educational community, are blocked by our filters. I will speak about my goals for blogging which include wanting a place for my students to publish and get feedback on: reflections, writing pieces in progress, and independent research. I will also go over how blogging fits with the Illinois State Standards, NETS standards , 21st Century Skills and our District Technology Plan goals. The goals and the educational rationale are easy to cover. What's difficult to explain is the way blogs create communities of learners; it's a community that I'm seeking for my students. I believe children deserve a true audience for their written thoughts and ideas. I also believe that people do their best work when they have the opportunity to share ideas with multiple people who have similar interests.

The purpose of this post is to ask the Blogosphere to help demonstrate HOW blogging creates a community of learners. I'm asking that people who share my passion for educational technology comment on behalf of blogging. What are examples great classroom blogs? What are the observed benefits of student blogging? Why is blogging an example of powerful learning rather than "technology fluff"? Please add your voices to mine so that I can show the power of blogs in education!